Friday, February 27, 2009

second day at work

Yes, I "went" to work again last night!! I am supprised at how easily I am gettig the nack for cyber sex. It makes me feel good about myself to reas there comlpiments. On the other hand, looking at myself on the camera, I realize I need to start working out. I suppose I wil get to that,eventually, untill then it doesn't matter.
I am lookiing for a new adventure, I'm not sure what I'm gonna do, Iam open to suggestios??
The weather is geting nice maybe I will go camping, annd get nekked on the bayou.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Cyber whore

I've started working, a new "JOB" Internet porn. Last night was my first day on the job, it was great!! I got so Horny, and it was very impowering. How different from working last weekend, as a house dancer. Oh yea, I did my first "VIP" Dude ate my pussy, and it was good. Never the less it cheapened my feelings even mmore for "lap dances."
But this internet thing is a bit refreshing, no contact except for my keyboard, and I still get Paid!!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Husband jacked off, and didn,t bother to invite me

Last night my husband rolled himself over to the faar edge of the oppposite side of it. Turned his back to me, and within a few minutes he was, well plaing with himself. Yes, he was being quiet, but not very still. It was beyond obvious what he was doing, and let out a soft moan. Ateer that the turned his head toward me, I tried to not show my feelings on my face.

I was Horrified, disgusted, and quit frankly hurt!!! In 2 years wehave had sex 2 times?!!! This isn't the first time he has done this, its happened at least 2 other times. The first time My son was staying w/us and we have a open bedroom, living area. It was my son who brouht it to y attintion. My son is 18 and more like my brother, but it still was Fucked up.

I am not sure how to handle this? I don't feel like I should ignore it, but I don't know how to approach the subject. It made me feel like I am just married to him because he doesn't want to divorce me, but he doesn't want me either.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Secret Sex!! No strings

I desire another secret meering with my Fucking Friend. I only wish I knew how to ask a secret sexcapade without coming across as needy, or as if I was "falling" for him. I only need the physical side of sex. I am an adult woman, and have had a purly sexual relation in the past. Only that one got fucked up because he got emotionally attached.

anyone out there got any sugesstions on how I should approach this? I am not one to have looads of one nighters, and with a single partner i get more comfortable with different ssexual behavior. I love my husband, but we don't have sex, and I need It.