Tuesday, December 30, 2008

need my boys

Today, I am catching up on my computer. I have been really depressed. I miss my boys. Especially the youngest, if my step-mother would only let me talk to him. I can't explain the pain I fill

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

An Angel made her presence known

Right now I am sitting inthe party side of my apartment, and writting in my newly established journal. Where do I start? why not start with last night, no I have to start with yesturday morning. I had to go to the pharmacy to get my B/P medication straightened ut, they refilled my old medicne, and only one of the new pills my doctor put me on. This was the second time they screwed up my meds. This month it cost me an extra 75 dollar's, not tomention it could have potentionally messed me up. after I got through fixing that, i got a cll from an old friend, she needed help shopping for a suprise B-day party for another friend. i must appear to be the most pathetic soul in my circle of friends, just call me up and Iam like old faithfull. I agreed to help, and fortunatly my Girl called and needed a favor. She saved me from getting wrangled into helping decorate for the party. My Girl, also being as part of this cirlcle, decicded shw would make an appearance with me. Thank her!!!

After catching up here at my place, she and I took off over to the party for her appearance, and well, the rest of my night. I was left ther with my husband, the quiet one I thought I knew. I was the wallflower, and he was the barfly? I saw a side of him lastnght that I have never seen. We switched places in our social world somewhere when I wasn't looking.
He left me sitting at the end of the bar alone looking at all the other people in attendance, I was litterly the one outcastbacked into the corner, until another Friend called me over to there inner circle, and after a couple of drinky poo's I relaxed and actually began to enjoy myself. for the most part, there were a few expected catty moments trown in my little crcle of party people.

Iwon't contiue with my ranting over the sinister nature of people, but Iwll say this for the bullshit I encountered, it was wort it knowing i was thew one who had the jewel of the night on my arm when she made her appearance.

Monday, December 1, 2008

This one is for "My Angel"

I am inspired to create my own blog, inspired by "MyAngel"
I hope you read this, I pray you find me!! I want you to realize how important you are in my life. I am here for ya