Sunday, April 12, 2009

Date NOT

Ok, so It's 8am an we are heading home? Can someone help me with this one!!

Let me take you back to last Saturday night/Sunday morning-First he got his bike fixed, and then it broke down again, and last he showed up at my "Web Cam room" at around 2 am, and wait for it:

SO WE HAD ANOTHER TALK!!! After "said" talk, I insisted on a mandatory Date for Saturday night. I didn't care if wed sat on the roof, at home and stargazed drinking tea. Let's have some Quality marriage repair time.

He showed up at My Web room, 40 miles away from home, with sushi for 3, and 2 bottles of wine. Where did we spend "said" date night? On the couch in the living room where I work. With my friends. How Romantic is that?

I am sick of being kept away from home, I know it is my home, right? Well, be that as it may, sometimes it's better not to know. you understand?

Reality is I am the Queen of championing Lost cause's, and no matter how hard I work to mend our marriage, I am going down with the boat. Fighting till there is nothing left.

You know all I want is for someone to share what is My Life, with. I need to connect with a soul, other than retatrdo the romance fizz fade,and Friends.

I can't help but think of Queen and Freddy Mercury's song can somebody find me someone to LOVE!!!


  1. I wish somehow it had all played out differently...I know exactly what you mean!


  2. I can help you find somebody to love, but first you have to be willing, and quit looking to someone else to make you feel whole! That SOMEONE I speak of is YOU, M! YOU... Did you hear me... YOU NEED TO LOVE YOU!
    I know you girl, and I know you have little love for yourself and look to retardo for acceptance.. when he is in fact a retardo..
    If you want to go home.. then damn it quit waiting and go, but know.. you might not find what you are looking for there..
