Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I am watching a horribledisaster, in slow motion, and I can't do anything to stop it. It's my life, and I am not good with change. Change always breaks down every part of my being, leaving me forced to rebuild myself with the scraps left over.

I am reluctant to admit, but this, but it is the stagnate, slow passing of time when I am most vulnerable. It sux's.

I know I need to put on my Big Girl Panties, and just deal with it.


  1. Wel good luck. I hope it gets better.

  2. At least you see it coming; that puts you ahead of the curve...

    Decide what YOU want to do about it and what you want to build this time!

    Because life is far too short to look back when your 80 and wonder!


  3. No girl! Your WRONG! Take them panties off and run through the yard NEKKID! and take pictures! You'll feel much better..
    Oh yeah, how'd the shoot go?
